Country Gardens
Space Planning – Where space is not necessarily an issue, a new set of design considerations come into play to create the perfect setting. Borrowed landscapes and views are always considered to maximise your outlook, and where possible use local materials to blend with the landscape.
Maximising large spaces could mean dividing the plot into separate areas with separate functions, a contrast of open spaces and more sheltered intimate spaces. Garden ‘rooms’ can be created for different planting styles, highlighting features, lawn areas and borders.
Soft structural elements lead the eye – hedges, trees, and focal points like the placing of a sitting area, garden sculpture, or a vista. Structural elements – Garden buildings like gazebos, studios & workshops, or making the home office /carport look more attractive by design & use of materials in harmony with the house or planting to disguise an ugly feature.
Please click on the images or titles below to view a selection of recent projects…